Tracheoesophageal Fistula
May be diagnosed antenatally on prenatal U/S
Presents as excessive oral secretions, with coughing & cyanosis during feeds
Unable to pass NG into stomach
Usually repaired w/in 24 hours of birth to minimize risk and complications of aspiration
Types: I-III (see picture below)
Aspiration risk
Risk of dehydration/acidosis
GI distension can compromise ventilation
May require urgent gastrostomy decompression
Intraop surgical retraction can compress airways, major vessels, & heart
Associated conditions
Cardiac anomalies: preop echo required
Decompress blind upper pouch with NG to suction
Raise head to reduce risk of aspiration
Advance ETT into right mainstem; slowly withdraw until bilateral breath sounds heard
Goal: tip of ETT between carina & fistula
Spontaneous ventilation is preferred
Low airway pressures if PPV required
Avoid N2O (gastric distension)