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Hypoglycemia (blood glucose <3.9 mmol/L)
Sympathetic system activation: diaphoresis, tremor, tachycardia, anxiety, hunger
Neuroglycopenia: weakness, fatigue, altered mental status, coma
Differential diagnosis
Exogenous insulin
Critical illness/sepsis
Endocrine: Addison's disease, adrenal crisis, hypopituitarism
Insulin producing tumors
Fasting hypoglygemia: inherited liver/fatty acid oxidation enzyme deficiencies, drugs (ethanol, haloperidol)
Reactive (postprandial) hypoglycemia: idiopathic or enzyme deficiencies
Confirm glucose level
Treat: IV dextrose (D5W 50ml IV); glucagon 1-2mg IM if no IV access
Seizure precautions
Continue to monitor & treat until glucose levels stable
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