Involuntary closure of the vocal cords leading to airway obstruction with folding over of epiglottis
Delayed treatment can lead to:
↓O2, ↓HR, negative pressure pulmonary edema, aspiration & cardiac arrest
Can occur anytime (induction, emergence, maintenance) while in a light plane of anesthesia
Needs to be recognized and treated rapidly
Risk factors:
Airway manipulation
Vocal cord irritation (blood or mucus etc.)
Young age (i.e. infants)
Altered airway anatomy
Procedures on the airway (e.g. tonsillectomy)
Signs & symptoms:
inspiratory stridor
Retrosternal/substernal retractions
Rocking movement with inspiration
100% O2 with facemask + CPAP + optimize airway position +/- OPA
Consider Larson's maneuver (bilateral firm digital pressure on the styloid process behind the posterior ramus of the mandible)
Deepen anesthesia (i.e. propofol or volatile agent)
Definitive treatment:
Succinycholine 0.25-0.5 mg/kg IV
Atropine 0.02mg/kg IV ready for bradycardia
BMV until muscle relaxant wears off
Delay surgery if recent URTI
Manipulate airway only during deep plane of anesthesia
Avoid ETT (use LMA instead) for > 1 y/o's
If intubating using NDMR
Lidocaine IV prior to extubation
Jagannathan, N. (2021, October). Complications of pediatric airway management for anesthesia. UpToDate. Retrieved November 5, 2021.