Aspiration Event
Definition: inhalation of gastric contents into the lung via passive regurgitation or active vomiting
Common patients:
"Full stomach": Not NPO, bowel obstruction, pregnant, gastroparesis, intoxicated
Incompetent LES: hiatal hernia, previous esophageal/gastric surgery, obese
Can't protect airway: ↓ LOC, residual NMB, neurologic disease
Signs/symptoms: Severe hypoxemia, ↑ peak insp. pressure, bronchospasm, ↑ tracheal/oropharyngeal secretions, chest retractions, dyspnea, coughing, laryngospasm, pulmonary edema
↑ morbidity/mortality: pneumonia, ARDS, sepsis, barotrauma
CXR: infiltrates and atelectasis, but can be unremarkable
Avoid GA & excessive sedation if possible
Consider awake intubation
Ensure NPO status, if elective
Medications prior to induction:
Non-particulate antacide: Sodium citrate PO
H2 Antagonists: Ranitidine IV
Metoclopramide IV
Suction through NGT before inducing
Remove NGT when inducing
Suction on
Cricoid pressure
Suction oropharynx
Intubate & inflate cuff
Suction through ETT
PPV with 100% and adequate PEEP
Bronchoscopy to:
Assess level of contamination
Remove particulate matter
Cancel elective surgery & minimize emergency surgery
Supportive care
Crystalloids better than colloid, H2 blockers, intermittent pulmonary toilet
Consider antibiotics
Consider ECMO if unable to oxygenate
Gaba, D. M. (2015). Aspiration of Gastric Contents. In Crisis management in anesthesiology. essay, Elsevier Saunders.