Indication for surgery: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), recurrent infections
Potential OSA: difficult bag mask ventilation, pulmonary hypertension/RVF, respiratory depressant sensitivity, post-op monitoring
Shared airway, oral rae ETT
Need for smooth emergence (dexmedetomidine)
Post-op complications: bleeding, negative pressure pulmonary edema, airway obstruction, apnea, PONV, pain
Postoperative disposition (day surgery vs. admission vs. PICU)
Post-Tonsillectomy Bleed
Emergency with limited time to optimize
Full stomach: RSI is essential, ensure gastric decompression at the end
Potential for hypovolemia, ensure aggressive resuscitation
Potentially difficult airway due to blood
Call for help
Have 2 suctions ready
Styletted ETT
Full stomach vs. hemodynamic instability
Full stomach vs. difficult airway
Volume resuscitate vs. emergency surgery for potential airway obstruction
Criteria for Admission Post-op
Age < 3 years
Severe OSA
Coagulation disorder
Comorbid serious systemic disorders
Child with craniofacial abnormality (e.g. Down Syndrome, Treacher Collins, Goldenhar, Crouzon, Pierre Robin, CHARGE)
Situation not consistent with close observation (social issues, extended travel time)