Serotonin Syndrome
A potentially life-threatening adverse drug reaction due to ↑ CNS serotoninergic activity, characterized by the mnemonic MAD HOT:
M yoclonus
A utonomic instability
D elirium, D iarrhea,
HOT (fever)
It is seen with therapeutic medication use, drug interactions, & self-poisoning
Multisystem effects of serotonin excess:
CNS: seizure, altered LOC
CVS: tachycardia & HTN, autonomic instability, arrhythmia
MSK: rigidity, rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemia & renal failure
Hyperthermia; DIC
Psychiatric patient: co-operation, informed consent/substitute decision maker
Anesthetic Management
Stop offending agent
Admit to ICU/HAU
Supportive care & sedation:
Benzodiazepines very useful for sedation
Support ventilation & oxygenation
Fluid resuscitation
Treat hyperthermia
Autonomic instability:
Hypotension: use direct acting vasopressors, reduced doses initially
Hypertension: use phentolamine, nitroprusside, esmolol
Specific antidote is cyproheptadine (potent antihistamine & serotonin antagonist):
Initial: 12 mg followed by 2 mg every 2 hours or 4-8 mg every 6 hours
DO NOT use bromocriptine (a serotonin agonist, may exacerbate serotonin syndrome), dantrolene (no evidence)
Rule out other differential diagnosis (e.g., MH, NMS, thyrotoxicosis)