Etiology: idiopathic vs. non-idiopathic:
Associated comorbidities (Marfan’s, NF Scheurmann’s disease, DMD, congenital)
Potential difficult airway secondary to back curvature, neck involvement
Restrictive lung disease:
pHTN with cor pulmonale; postop respiratory failure; prolonged ventilation
Cardiac involvement with idiopathic (MVP), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (CM, coarctation, CHD)
Surgical consideration: worse for kyphoscoliosis
Blood loss; hypothermia; airway edema;
Prone: VAE, positioning injuries, POVL
Lateral: OLV if thoracic approach
Monitoring: wake-up test/SSEP/MEP’s
Post-op pain control: clonidine, gabapentin, ketamine, opioids
Avoid exacerbations of pHTN (hypoxemia, hypercarbia, acidosis, hypothermia, light anesthesia & pain)
Balance perfusion pressure to spinal cord vs. need for mild hypotension to minimize blood loss:
TXA, cell saver
Manage anesthetic agents to allow adequate monitoring of spinal cord integrity (SSEPs/MEPs)
Vigilance for life threatening complications of VAE or major vascular injury
Optimize for postoperative wean from ventilation:
Dexmedetomidine, ketamine, acetaminophen, morphine infusions