Pulmonary Embolism
Acute life threatening hypoxemia, RV failure, cardiogenic shock, PEA arrest
Hemodynamic goals:
Support RV filling/contractility, minimize pulmonary vascular resistance, maintain preload
High risk of cardiac collapse upon initiation of PPV
Life saving maneuvers: thrombolysis, thrombectomy, inotropes, pulmonary vasodilators
Perioperative bridging of anticoagulation, always consider IVC filter
Admission to monitored setting
O2 supplementation as required
Consultation with ICU/respirology
Start anticoagulation immediately (IV heparin, low molecular weight heparin)
If anticoagulation contraindicated → consider IVC filter (controversial)
Hemodynamic instability: similar to treatments of pulmonary hypertension:
Vasopressors to maintain RV perfusion
Intravascular fluid therapy as per CVP, PAC, TEE
Cautious especially with RV dysfunction: only 500-1000 cc at a time
Inotropes if RV dysfunction: dobutamine, epinephrine
Inodilators: milrinone
Pulmonary artery dilators: nitric oxide, epoprostenol (flolan)
Intubation & ventilation:
Avoid if possible
If necessary:
Very high risk for cardiac collapse
Ensure pre-induction arterial line/central line if possible
Have vasopressors in-line
Titrated induction with avoidance of hypoxemia/hypercarbia (bag mask once not breathing)
Avoid high intrathoracic pressures, hypercarbia & hypoxemia
Thrombolytic therapy:
Shock: sBP <90 or ↓ sBP of 40 from baseline
Cardiac arrest
Severe hypoxemia
RV dysfunction
Patent foramen ovale
Dose: tPA 100mg IV over 2 hours
Catheter embolectomy
Surgical embolectomy
ECMO if all else fails