Pregnancy considerations (difficult intubation, aspiration, ↓ time to desaturation, aortocaval compression, 2 patients)
Multisystem disease:
Airway: edema → even more difficult
CNS: seizures, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), cerebral edema, ↑ ICP
Respiratory: pulmonary edema (secondary to hypoalbuminemia & hypertension)
CVS: relatively hypovolemic, ↑ SVR, hyperdynamic, hypertensive crisis, LV dysfunction
Renal dysfunction: oliguria, ATN
Coagulopathy: thrombocytopenia, MAHA, risk of DIC
HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets)
↓ uteroplacental perfusion, IUGR, placental abruption, premature labour & delivery
Medications: antihypertensive/anticonvulsant therapy (including risk of MgSO4 toxicity)
Potential delivery & resuscitation of premature infant:
Steroids if gestational age < 34+6
MgSO4 for neuroprotection if gestational age < 31+6
Consider delivery:
If severe preeclampsia at any gestational age
If non-severe preeclampsia > 37 wks gestational age
BP control (sBP <160 mmHg, dBP <110 mmHg) (SOGC 2014)
Prevent end-organ complications (seizures, ICH, ischemia)
Optimize fluid status
Optimize uteroplacental perfusion
Excellent labour analgesia to mitigate adverse effects of pain
Prevent complications if general anesthesia:
Failed airway
Hypertensive crisis
Anesthetic Options
Anesthetic technique depends on:
Fetal distress
Airway assessment
Platelets/coagulation profile
Preferred technique
Allows for titration of local anesthetic & IV fluids (minimizes risk of BP fluctuations & pulmonary edema)
If using for cesarean, consider not adding epinephrine (may decrease uteroplacental perfusion)
Traditionally relatively contraindicated in severe preeclampsia for fear of marked hypotension, but recent studies (as per Chestnut) suggest spinal may be appropriate
Least desirable
Risk of ICH from hypertension secondary to intubation & ↑ possibility of difficult intubation secondary to airway edema
Chestnut suggests the following for platelets:
< 50: neuraxial technique contraindicated
50-80: risk vs benefit (consider trend, function, other coagulation investigations)
> 80: likely safe
SOGC 2014 guidelines suggest > 75 is safe unless coagulopathy, falling platelet count or other antiplatelet agents
Management of Eclamptic Seizure
Primary immediate goals:
Stop convulsions with MgSO4 (4g bolus over 20min, then 1g/hr)
Establish a patent airway
Prevent major complications (e.g., hypoxemia, aspiration)
Phenytoin & benzodiazepines should NOT be used for eclampsia prophylaxis or treatment, unless there is a contraindication to MgSO4 or it is ineffective
Further obstetric management:
Antihypertensive therapy (labetolol 10-20mg IV or hydralazine 5-10mg IV)
Induction or augmentation of labor
Expeditious (preferably vaginal) delivery
Fetal bradycardia typically occurs during &/or immediately after a seizure but does not mandate immediate delivery unless it is persistent
Considerations of magnesium therapy:
Interaction with NdMRs (nondepolarizing muscle relaxants):
Increases the potency & duration of NdMRs (titrate/reduce dose)
Directly inhibits acetylcholine release & postmembrane sensitivity to acetylcholine
No change in succinylcholine (onset & duration unchanged, use standard dose)
Effects on uterine tone:
Potential PPH as a tocolytic agent; however, studies demonstrate no increase in blood loss
Have uterotonics available, group & screen completed
Interaction with calcium channel blockers (specifically nifedipine)
Possibly greater hypotensive effects