Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Rare, autosomal dominant, inherited disease of connective tissue that affects bones, the sclera, & the inner ear, bones are extremely brittle
Difficult airway: ↓ C-spine mobility, fragile C-spine with fracture risk, mandibular fractures, large head, short neck, brittle teeth
Kyphoscoliosis & pectus excavatum
Possible restrictive lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, & RV dysfunction
Cardiac involvement (aortic regurgitation & mitral regurgitation)
↑ risk of fractures:
BP cuffs may be hazardous
Careful positioning & padding essential
Succinylcholine fasciculations may cause fractures
Bleeding tendency secondary to ↓ platelet function possible
Hypermetabolic: prone to hyperthermia but not malignant hyperthermia (MH) risk
Full stomach/RSI vs. difficult airway
Regional vs. bleeding tendency
Monitoring/positioning vs. brittle bones
Pregnancy Considerations
↑ obstetrical risks:
High incidence cephalo-pelvic-disproportion → mandatory cesarean section
Higher incidence intra-partum & post partum hemorrhage
↑ risk uterine rupture/pelvic fracture
Even more difficult airway
Succinylcholine can cause bone fractures: give defasciculating NdMR or use rocuronium
Potential contraindication to regional due to platelet dysfunction: if patient history reassuring along with platelet count/INR/PTT, go ahead with regional