Organophosphate Toxicity
Life threatening emergency situation
Multisystem failure:
Respiratory: weakness & respiratory failure, bronchospasm, hypoxemia
Cardiovascular: hemodynamic instability
CNS: seizures, ↓ LOC
Decontamination/exposure to medical personnel
Intubation & ventilation as appropriate
Consult toxicology, ICU
Atropine 2-5 mg IV (often need 15-20 mg) until ↓ secretions & adequate tidal volumes
Pralidoxime 1000-2000 mg IV, then 1000mg q12h, DO NOT give pralidoxime without atropine
Benzodiazepines for seizures, phenytoin ineffective
Paralysis for airway management:
Note: succinylcholine may result in prolonged paralysis due to inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by these compounds
↑ doses of rocuronium may be needed due to competitive inhibition at the neuromuscular junction