Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)
Rare, potentially fatal condition due to antipsychotic drug therapy
May reflect dopamine depletion in the CNS
Can occur anytime during the course of antipsychotic treatment but often is manifest during the first few weeks of therapy or following an ↑ in drug dosage.
Clinical manifestations usually develop over 24-72 hours, remember the mnemonic FEVERS:
F ever
E ncephalopathy
V ital signs unstable
E levated labs
R igidity (vs myoclonus in serotonin syndrome)
S weating
Emergency situation, full stomach
Potentially life-threatening situation with high mortality:
↓ LOC: coma which may mandate airway management
Autonomic instability: tachycardia, hypertension, cardiac dysrhythmias (most likely cause of death)
Hypermetabolic state: fever, severe muscular rigidity, volume depletion
Tachypnea & potential respiratory insufficiency from hypoventilation/rigidity
Rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, acidosis
Psychiatric patient, potentially uncooperative
Resuscitation & ICU monitoring following trigger
Stop offending agents
Supportive treatment: cooling, treat acidosis/electrolyte abnormalities, hemodynamic support
Pharmacologic (case reports, no strong evidence):
Bromocriptine: PO/NG 2.5 mg q8-12 hrs
Dantrolene: IV 2.5mg/kg bolus, up to 10mg/kg/day
Amantadine: initial dose is 100 mg PO/NG & titrated upward as needed to a maximum dose of 200 mg q12h
Rule out other high risk conditions on differential diagnosis
"Trigger free” anesthetic in patients with history of NMS (controversial)