Mitochondrial Disease
Definition: group of disorders that affect the function of mitochondria (ATP powerhouse of the cell) resulting in a complex multisystem disease of varying severity
disorders can affect any system with any symptom and any mode of inheritance
associated with ↑ lactate
Prevalence = 1: 4000, most manifest by 20 y/o
Common procedures:
muscle biopsies, MRI/CT scans, endo/gastrostomy creations, strabismus sx
Potential effects on multiple organ systems:
CVS: cardiomyopathy, conduction abnormalities
Resp: central hypoventilation, respiratory muscle weakness
GU: renal insufficiency
GI: hepatic insufficiency
Endo: DM, hypoparathyroidism
Heme: anemia, thrombocytopenia
Ascertain degree of organ involvement especially cardio-resp:
PFTs, CXR, ABG, ECG, Echo if available
Ensure relevant multi-disciplinary consultants are involved
↑ Risk of metabolic encephalopathy
Altered effects of anesthetic medications:
Propofol: avoid when possible (especially prolonged infusions) due to ↑ risk of PRIS
Succinylcholine: avoid due to ↑ hyperkalemia risk
NDMR: unpredictable response
Overarching goal: Minimize metabolic stress of surgery
consider trending lactate as marker of metabolic stress
Hypotension, hypoxia, hypoglycemia, hypothermia
Lactate containing solutions (Ringer's)
Propofol, succinylcholine
Prolong periods of fasting
Good post-operative analgesia plan (regional, multi-modal analgesia when possible)
Desai, V. (2021). Mitochondrial disease and anaesthesia : WFSA - resources. Mitochondrial Disease and Anaesthesia. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from