MDMA (Ecstasy) Toxicity
Sequelae of MDMA overdose:
Cardiovascular: hypertension, tachyarrhythmias
CNS: cerebral edema, seizures, anxiety
Renal: acute hyponatremia, rhabdomyoloysis
Metabolic: hyperthermia
Risk of DIC & multi-organ failure leading to coagulopathy & impaired drug metabolism/secretion
Need for invasive monitoring & ICU admission
Admit to monitored setting
Consult toxicology if needed
Cancel any elective surgery
Rx of sequelae:
Benzodiazepines as first line agent until BP normalized or patient sedated
If benzodiazpines inadequate, use vasodilators such as NTG, NTP, or phentolamine
Beta blockers are contraindicated
Seizures & agitation: use benzodiazepines
Usually mild & will resolve in 12-24 hrs with water restriction
If severe (< 120): use hypertonic 3% NS 100cc boluses q10 min
Severe (> 41ºC): immerse in ice bath
Moderate: use cooling blankets, cool water mist, fanning