Primary hyperparathyroidism: parathyroid adenoma or carcinoma
Secondary hyperparathyroidism: an appropriate compensatory response of the parathyroid glands to counteract a disease process that produces hypocalcemia
Ectopic hyperparathyroidism: due to secretion of parathyroid hormone (or a substance with similar endocrine effects) by tissues other than the parathyroid glands
Potential difficult airway:
Mass effect (goitre)
Osteopenic bone (pathologic fractures of mandible & vertebral bodies)
Physiologic changes of hypercalcemia:
CNS: ↓LOC, hallucinations, psychosis
Cardiovascular: hypertension, hypovolemia, conduction blockade
Hypercalcemia ECG: ↑PR interval, ↓QTc
Respiratory: potential respiratory muscle weakness, poor clearance of secretions
Renal: renal failure, nephrolithiasis (70%)
GI: ↑ aspiration risk, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, pancreatitis
MSK: weakness (titrate neuromuscular blockers to effect), pathologic fractures (careful positioning)
Hematologic: anemia
Underlying etiology:
Parathyroid tumour, PTH-producing tumour
Chronic renal failure (usually associated with hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia)
Considerations of cancer & associated syndromes (MEN 1):
MEN 1: hyperparathyroid, pancreatic islet cell tumors, pituitary hyperplasia or tumor
MEN 2A: hyperparathyroid, medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma
Post-op airway obstruction after parathyroidectomy:
Hematoma, laryngospasm, hypocalcemia, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, tracheomalacia
Mandibular fracture
Management of hypercalcemia:
IV rehydration
Furosemide after IV hydration → goal is 3-5 L urine output/day
If severe, add:
Bisphosphonate (etidronate 7.5mg/kg IV OD or 20mg/kg PO OD)
Calcitonin 200 IU nasal spray/day
IV steroids
Phosphate repletion
Hemodialysis if life threatening hypercalcemia or acute renal failure
Monitor EKG & calcium concentrations perioperatively
Prevent pathological fractures (careful positioning)
Airway vigilance postoperatively
Hypovolemia vs. RSI (ESWL or percutaneous drainage for nephrolithiasis)
Renal failure vs. succinylcholine for RSI