Fontan Physiology
Fontan is a palliative procedure for patients with functional univentricular physiology
Selection criteria for performance of Fontan are: adequately sized pulmonary arteries; low PVR; good LV function & the presence of sinus rhythm
The driving force for blood flow through the pulmonary circulation is the difference between central venous pressure (CVP) & atrial pressure:
There is NOT active pumping of blood through the lungs
Cardiac output is essentially completely dependent on pulmonary blood flow
Hypovolemia is tolerated very poorly
Preoperative preparation:
Review information from patient’s cardiologist; changes in patient’s exercise tolerance, level of cardiac impairment, details of the patient’s physiology, anatomy, & any residual & sequelae of previous surgeries
Minimize NPO interval, maintain intravascular volume (↓ preload results in ↓ pulmonary blood flow & cardiac output)
Key Considerations
Congenital heart disease patient with altered cardiac anatomy & potentially other congenital anomalies
Hemodymanic & ventilatory goals of Fontan circulation (see below)
High risk cardiac patient
Consider surgery at tertiary cardiac centre
Consultation with cardiology
Perioperative TEE invaluable
Single ventricle pathophysiology
Venous congestion: protein losing enteropathy, CKD, hepatic failure, FTT
Arrhythmias, embolic stroke, anticoagulation
LV dysfunction
Hypoxemia & hyperviscosity
Medication management (possible beta blockers, ACEI, anticoagulants, diuretics)
Consideration of bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis if applicable
Possible ↑ risk of bleeding
Postoperative monitoring in HAU/ICU
Hemodynamic goals:
Preload: keep full, avoid dehydration
Rate & rhythm: strict normal sinus rhythm
Contractility: maintain
Afterload: maintain
Pulmonary vascular resistance: keep low
Avoid hypercarbia, hypoxemia, acidosis, stress, pain, high intrathoracic pressures
Fluid management:
Guided by CVP or TEE (TEE very useful)
Vascular capacitance is ↑ in the Fontan patient; more fluid may be required than anticipated based on the formula commonly used to calculate fluid requirement
Ventilatory strategy:
Spontaneous ventilation is best as it enhances venous return & pulmonary blood flow
For PPV:
Limit peak inspiratory pressure (<20 cmH2O), use low respiratory rates (<20 bpm), short inspiratory times, avoid excessive positive end-expiratory pressure, moderately elevated tidal volumes (10–15 mL/kg), ensure adequate intravascular volume
Postoperative concerns:
Maintaining volume status, acid-base balance, & cardiac output are essential in the postoperative period; ensure adequate hydration & aggressively manage low cardiac output with intravenous hydration & inotropes
Adequate analgesia improves pulmonary mechanics & oxygenation; enhanced vigilance is required to avoid the effects of hypercapnia secondary to opioids
Treat postoperative nausea & vomiting to permit adequate hydration, prevent dehydration & electrolyte loss, & allow the patient to resume their medication regimen
Pregnancy Considerations
Case reports exist
Titrated epidural is probably the safest technique as it does not worsen PVR; caution with reduction in preload so ensure well-hydrated; reduction in afterload is probably desirable
Labor is NOT contraindicated but needs to occur in a cardiac centre with invasive monitoring (arterial line) & with assisted 2nd stage
If cesarean section: best to use epidural technique
If GA required, use strategies mentioned above
Laparoscopy & Fontan
Case reports exist
Detailed discussion with surgeon ahead of time
Minimize insufflation pressures or do staged insufflation & see effects
Avoid high intrathoracic pressures, reduced preload, & hypercarbia
If cannot tolerate, may need an open technique
Further Reading
Miller's Anesthesia, Chapter 78,