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Initial Infection Control

  • Administration of antibiotics within 1 hour of recognition of sepsis or septic shock is recommended

  • Rapidly identify any specific anatomical sites of infection to perform source control interventions

  • If high risk for MRSA, it is recommended to use empiric antibiotics with MRSA coverage. Otherwise, MRSA coverage is not recommended

  • If high risk for fungal infection, it is recommended to use empiric antibiotics with fungal coverage. Otherwise, fungal coverage is not recommended

  • If multidrug resistant organisms are suspected, it is recommended to use double gram-negative coverage for empiric treatment until the causative pathogen and susceptibilities are identified

Reference: Evans, Laura et al. “Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021.” Critical care medicine vol. 49,11 (2021): e1063-e1143. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000005337

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