Expanding Neck Hematoma
Emergency situation with little or no time to optimize
Anatomical airway distortion & edema resulting in a difficult airway:
Systematic & multidisciplinary approach critical, double set-up is key!
Release of sutures & evacuation of hematoma may be life-saving & may eliminate the need for a crash intubation
Unless impossible, spontaneous ventilation should be maintained & awake fiberoptic intubation attempted in the OR
Direct laryngoscopy (awake or anesthesized) is an option & should be part of the management algorithm
Potentially full stomach & risk of aspiration in cases of delayed hematoma formation
Medical & surgical control of hematoma once patient stabilized:
Likely need for return to OR for neck exploration
Possible need to reverse coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction
Theoretical potential for hemodynamic instability due to compression of carotid sinus with resulting bradycardia/hypotension
Simultaneous management of medical comorbidities:
E.g. coronary artery disease in carotid endartarectomy patients
Immediate assessment & decisive airway plan
Safe airway management preserving spontaneous ventilation, upper airway tone & patient cooperation
Temporize as necessary to maintain airway patency
Always have surgical backups prepared
Conservative & cautious extubation strategy
Uncooperative, agitated patient requiring an awake technique
Emergency airway management required in an out of OR setting