Impending airway obstruction:
Difficult bag mask ventilation & intubation
Do not upset child or manipulate airway
Emergency: risk of aspiration, ↓ time to optimize
Sepsis & need for early goal-directed therapy
Pediatric patient considerations
Post-op disposition: PICU & plan for extubation once process resolved
Call for ENT ("double set up") & maintain spontaneous ventilation
Use smaller endotracheal tubes (1-3mm smaller)
OR set up with second anesthetist or anesthesia assiant & difficult airway cart, rigid bronchoscopy & tracheostomy set
Skin topicalization for IV start
Obtain CBC & blood cultures
Fluid bolus 20 ml/kg, repeat prn
Aspiration prophylaxis ranitidine 0.5 mg/kg & maxeran 0.1 mg/kg
Glycopyrrolate 10 mcg/kg to dry secretions
Small styletted ETT (cuffed preferable)
Spontaneouly-breathing induction with sevoflurane or propofol/remifentanil if IV, then intubate
IV antibiotics, fluids, PICU post-op:
Antibiotics: cloxacillin, cetriaxone, ampicillin, clindamycin +/- vancomycin
Extubation plan: ensure there is a leak & swelling has resolved. Then extubate in the OR & be prepared for re-intubation
Don't use steroids empirically but consider if extubation has proven difficult after several days of antibiotic therapy