Down Syndrome
Potential for atlanto-axial (AAI) or atlanto-occipital instability & neurologic injury with neck manipulation
Potential for difficult bag mask ventilation (but not usually intubation):
Large tongue,↑ oropharyngeal soft tissue, small mouth, subglottic stenosis, high arched palate
Tonsillar & adenoid hypertrophy
Possible obstructive sleep apnea:
Pulmonary hypertension/RV dysfunction
Sensitive to sedatives/hypnotics
Developmental delay/cooperation problems
Associated congenital heart disease (up to ½):
Cushion defect (AVSD) = #1
Pulmonary hypertension
Other medical issues:
Accelerated coronary disease & valvulopathy (MVP, AI)
GI: duodenal atresia or stenosis, TEF, Hirschsprungs, celiac disease
Heme: polycythemia, leukemia, immune deficiency
Joint laxity (careful with positioning)
Early Alzheimer’s dementia
Rule out & manage AAI: neurologic exam/history & flexion-extension views of c-spine
Airway adjuncts such as a video laryngoscope
Skin topicalization for IV start
Sedation (midazolam may be paradoxical)
Arrange post-op monitoring
Overnight oximetry useful
Unstable C-spine vs uncooperative patient with developmental delay:
Consider IM/PO sedation to facilitate IV placement
Ketamine 5 mg/kg IM, 7 mg/kg PO
Midazolam 0.5 mg/kg PO (max dose 20 mg)
Inhalational induction may be problematic in an adult with DS due to obesity, OSA, uncooperative nature