Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Glucose > 14
HCO3 < 18
pH < 7.3
+ ketones in urine/blood
Life threatening anion gap metabolic acidosis (ketoacidosis)
CNS: ↓ LOC (hypovolemia, cerebral edema)
Cardiovascular: cardiac arrythmias, congestive heart failure
Hyperventilation (very high minute ventilation, caution with intubation & positive pressure ventilation)
Osmotic diuresis (hyperglycemia)
Crystalloid volume replacement
Electrolyte abnormalities:
Depletion of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium
Hyponatremia (factitious hyponatremia)
Consequences of therapy:
Electrolyte abnormalities
Hypo/hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia
Cerebral edema, central pontine myelinolysis
Address underlying cause:
Infection, trauma, intoxication (cocaine), pancreatitis, acute coronary syndrome
Medication noncompliance (insulin)
Resuscitation vs. emergency surgery
Severe metabolic acidosis vs. intubation/ventilation
Hypovolemia vs. aspiration risk (RSI)
Electrolyte abnormalities (hyper/hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyponatremia)
Cerebral edema (glucose correction without correcting hyponatremia)
Central pontine myelinolysis (rapid serum sodium correction)
Treat as per hospital protocol in consultation with endocrinology
For example, see BC Children's Hospital's DKA protocol:
Normal anion gap (AG)
pH > 7.2
Potassium > 3.5
Bicarbonate > 20
Glucose < 13
Urine output 1 ml/kg/hr
Volume replacement:
Normal saline to correct hypovolemia (3-5L deficit)
Then slow to maintenance (up to 500ml/hr)
Change to D5NS when glucose < 14
Add potassium to IV fluids once < 4.5 & urinating
Insulin R
Start infusion at 0.14 u/kg/hr (10units/hr in 70kg male) OR give 0.1 u/kg bolus followed by infusion 0.1 u/kg/hr
DO NOT start insulin if potassium <3.3
Glucose goal 10-15 mmol/L
When glucose <11: add D5W to solution
Potassium management
If < 3.3: DO NOT start insulin, give 20-30 meq/hr of potassium until K > 3.3
If > 3.3 & < 5.3: give potassium 20meq/L of fluid
If > 5.3: Do NOT give potassium
Frequent monitoring: ABG, electrolytes (AG), BUN, creatinine, osmolality, plasma & urinary ketones, magnesium, phosphate, lactate
Consider sodium bicarbonate if pH < 7 & myocardial dysfunction or vasodilation or life-threatening hyperkalemia
Cerebral edema
Pulmonary edema