Emergency/full stomach
Multisytem effects:
Airway: nasal septal necrosis
CNS: CVA/ICH, seizure, agitation, uncooperative, ↑MAC
HTN, tachycardia
Coronary vasospasm resulting in angina or MI
Aortic dissection
Unopposed alpha with beta blockade
RLD: crack lung, aspiration
Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum
Hematologic: DIC, thrombocytopenia
Renal: renal infarction, rhabdomyolysis
GI: ischemia, ulceration, perforation
Difficult airway in an uncooperative patient
RSI in a patient with hemodynamic instability
Regional anesthesia in an uncooperative patient or coagulopathy
Placental abruption, uncooperative OB patient, difficult airway
Anesthetic Management
Delay OR if possible to optimize & allow for effects of cocaine to wane
Monitor in high acuity setting/ICU
Full CAS monitors, 5 lead ECG & arterial line
Treat adrenergic crisis & uncooperative status with benzodiazepines as first line
Chest pain management:
Consult cardiology urgently & keep broad ddx
Start with midazolam
Consider NTG & phentolamine (1-2.5 mg q 5-15 minutes)
Avoid beta blockers
If need for urgent GA:
Pre-induction arterial line
Treat adrenergic tone as above
Deep titrated GA, avoid ketamine, accept aspiration risk
Wide complex tachycardia: NaHCO3 1-2 meq/kg until hemodynamic stability & QRS <120 ms
Postoperative discharge to high acuity/ICU