End Stage Liver Disease
Aspiration risk due to ↑ gastric volume
Friable/edematous tissues
Multiorgan dysfunction:
CNS: encephalopathy
Cardiovascular: hyperdynamic circulation (↑ cardiac output, ↓ SVR), cardiomyopathy, portopulmonary HTN
Pulmonary: hypoxemia (intrapulmonary AV shunting, V/Q mismatch); restrictive lung physiology (ascites & pleural effusions)
GU: hepatorenal syndrome/renal failure
GI: U/LGIB from varices & AVM’s
Hematology: coagulopathy (↓ platelets, ↓ clotting factors, ↑ fibrinolysis) & immunodeficiency
Endocrine: hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, lactic acidosis
Etiology/associated conditions:
Viral (e.g. hepatitis)
Drugs (e.g. alcohol, acetaminophen)
Autoimmune (α-1-antitrypsin deficiency)
Altered drug pharmacology (↑ volume of distribution, ↓ hepatic clearance, ↓ protein binding)
Altered fluid physiology:
Total body water excess (ascites) with intravascular volume depletion
Low albumin state
Reconsider elective surgery in very high risk patients (child-pugh class C or MELD > 20)
Identify & optimize multisystem complications
Avoid elective or non-emergent surgery in acute liver dysfunction
Pre-operative correction of coagulopathy & hypovolemia
Consider draining ascites to optimize respiratory mechanics
Anticipate fluid shifts & major blood loss
Appropriate use of hepatically-metabolized drugs
Universal precautions to prevent viral transmission
Need for regional vs. coagulopathy
High risk patients vs. elective surgery
Pulmonary hypertension vs. laparoscopy
Massive Variceal Bleed
Emergency situation
Needs emergent airway management with RSI, 2 suctions
Massive hemorrhage: give blood products as indicated, reverse coagulopathy, call massive tranfusion protocol
Vasopressin 0.4 unit bolus followed by an infusion of 0.4 to 1 units/min
Ocreotide: 50 mcg bolus, then 50 mcg/hr infusion
Balloon tamponade: blakemore (minnesota) tube
Endoscopic management of varices
TIPS if endoscopic management fails