Considerations in the Breastfeeding Patient
Transfer of Medications into Breast Milk
“Pump and Dump” postop is outdated and no longer recommended
All anesthetic/analgesic drugs transfer to breast milk
Passive diffusion most common
Highly lipid soluble, less protein-bound, low MW, or higher pKa drugs have greater penetration into breast milk
Relative infant dose (RID) reflects relative neonatal drug exposure via breast milk
RID <10% considered safe
Almost all anesthetic drugs have RID <<10%
Drugs not recommended in breastfeeding mothers:
Codeine, Tramadol (metabolized by CYP2D6 - ↑ risk if “ultra-metabolizer” mother breastfeeds “slow metabolizer” neonate)
Meperidine, high-dose morphine (low dose ok)
See for more info on specific agents
Minimize opioids/sedatives
Multimodal analgesia, regional techniques when possible
Pain interferes with successful breastfeeding → treat appropriately
Monitor patient & infant for sedation, respiratory depression
Resume breastfeeding as soon as possible postop (when patient is awake, alert, and able to hold infant)
Maintaining Supply of Breast Milk
Surgical stress often causes ↓ supply
Maintenance of adequate hydration
No prolonged fasting, encourage carbohydrate-containing clear fluids until 2 hrs preop
IV fluids (+/- dextrose) while NPO
PONV prophylaxis (ex Ondansetron, Metoclopramide, TIVA)
If possible, avoid drugs which may ↓ supply
Where possible, breastfeed or pump immediately pre- and post-op
Consider pumping (and dumping) during prolonged surgery to maintain breast milk production & ↓ engorgement, risk of clogged ducts, & mastitis