Aneurysm Coiling
Unfamiliar/remote environment:
Limited help & specialized tools
Potential prolonged patient transfers
Limited access to patient
Need for absolute immobility (muscle relaxant or remifentanil infusion)
Unsecured aneurysm:
Risk of rupture: need to avoid ↑ transmural pressure
Need to control hemodynamics: possible need for hypotension or sinus pause for coil placement
place external pacing/defibrillator pads
Aneurysmal perforation/rupture
Cerebral ischemia due to misplaced coils, clots, vasospasm, dissection
Contrast (anaphylactoid reactions, contrast-induced nephropathy, acute kidney injury)
Anesthetic Technique
Pre-induction arterial line is necessary
Maintain cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) to prevent ischemia, but avoid ↑ transmural pressure to prevent aneurysm rupture
Maintain on sevoflurane & remifentanil OR propofol & remifentanil
Usually heparinized to ACT 2-3X normal