Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Progressive degenerative disease of upper & lower motor neurons leading to denervation & atrophy of skeletal muscle with resultant weakness & eventual death
Aspiration risk due to bulbar dysfunction
Perioperative respiratory failure due to weakness & aspiration
Autonomic dysfunction
Altered response to neuromuscular blockers:
Succinylcholine contraindicated due to hyperkalemia risk
NdMR (nondepolarizing muscle relaxant) sensitivity
Chronic pain (often girdle area)
Minimize aspiration risk (prophylaxis, consider RSI)
Maximize respiratory function (muscle strength, secretion & pain management)
Anticipate potential need for postop ventilation/ICU
Maintain stable hemodynamics
RSI vs. avoid succinylcholine/sensitive to NdMRs
RSI vs. maintain hemodynamic stability
Regional vs. existing neurologic deficits:
Epidural documented in case reports but be cautious of high block
Peripheral nerve blocks not documented because disease so rare but definitely a consideration given respiratory muscle weakness
Avoid interscalene so as to not compromise phrenic nerve
General anesthetic vs. respiratory depression (neuraxial is safe)