Airway Trauma
Emergency, full stomach
Trauma with ATLS approach
Difficult intubation & bag mask ventilation with possibility of complete obstruction
Plan for surgical airway backup
Co-existing injuries: unstable C-spine, traumatic brain injury, tracheobronchial disruption, vascular injury
Trauma considerations
Safe establishment of airway (spontaneous ventilation, get tube beyond injury)
Minimize C-spine movement
Full stomach vs difficult airway vs need for double lumen tube
Uncooperative or pediatric patient vs difficult airway
Airway Plan
Determine location of trauma: supraglottic, laryngotracheal, infracarinal
Bypass area of trauma during airway management
Most preferred technique is tracheostomy
Awake vs. double setup after attempting direct laryngoscopy/video laryngoscopy/fiberoptic bronchoscopy
Use awake, spontaneous ventilation technique under direct vision (fiberoptic bronchoscopy)
Injury causing bronchopleural fistula with air leak, risk of tension pneumothorax &/or difficult ventilation during positive pressure ventilation
Secure airway with lung isolation: double lumen tube, bronchial blocker, single lumen tube placed endobronchially
Maintain spontaneous ventilation or rapid sequence induction while avoiding positive pressure ventilation until lung isolation
Further Reading
Uday Jain, Maureen McCunn, Charles E. Smith, Jean-Francois Pittet; Management of the Traumatized Airway. Anesthesiology 2016; 124:199–206
S. J. Mercer, C. P. Jones, M. Bridge, E. Clitheroe, B. Morton, P. Groom, Systematic review of the anaesthetic management of non-iatrogenic acute adult airway trauma, BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, Volume 117, Issue suppl_1, September 2016, Pages i49–i59