Airway Abscess & Infection
Emergency with risk of aspiration & acute airway obstruction
Difficult intubation & BMV with potential for complete airway obstruction (life threatening emergency):
Difficult topicalization
Distorted anatomy, tissue edema, immobile tissue
Copious secretions
Potential for airway soilage from abscess rupture
Shared airway
Possible sepsis, pneumonia, mediastinitis & need for early goal directed therapy
Risk factors & co-morbidities:
Adults: HIV, IV drug use, diabetes, head & neck malignancies, alcohol
Pediatrics: upper respiratory tract infections
Potential for postoperative re-obstruction post extubation & disposition to ICU/high acuity unit
Consider pre-op abscess draining
Secure airway safely & effectively, always consider awake fiberoptic intubation (AFOI), surgical airway, ‘double set-up’
Manage sepsis with early goal directed therapy
Prevent abscess rupture & lung soilage
Uncooperative pediatric patient vs. difficult airway
Full stomach & need for RSI vs. difficult airway
Full stomach & need for RSI plus need for deep plane of anesthesia vs. risk of hemodynamic instability (sepsis)
AFOI does not visualize ETT passing abscess & therefore potential to rupture it