Huntington's Disease
Autosomal dominant inherited disease characterized by progressive neurodegeneration
Clinical features: choreiform movements, depression, & dementia
Onset is typically between 35-40 years of age, but can be as late as 80 years. The disease continues to progress for several years with death occuring 17-20 years after diagnosis & is usually from malnutrition or aspiration pneumonitis
Bulbar dysfunction with risk of aspiration
Dementia, potentially uncooperative, end of life care, advanced directives, DNR status
Anesthetic medications:
All IV anesthetics OK, caution with slower recovery
NDMRs are ok, but may require ↓ dose
Succinylchonline is ok, but duration may be longer due to ↓ plasma cholinesterase activity
Neuraxial/regional is ok, document pre-existing deficits
Preoperative sedation using butyrophenones such as droperidol or haloperidol may be helpful in controlling choreiform movements