Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS)
Definition: sustained intraabdominal pressure >20 mmHg that is associated with new organ dysfunction
Patients with an intraabdominal pressure <10 mmHg generally do not have ACS, while patients with an intraabdominal pressure >25 mmHg usually have ACS
Higher systemic blood pressure will be needed to perfuse abdominal organs, keep abdominal perfusion pressure (APP) (systemic blood pressure - intraabdominal pressure) >60mmHg
Primary: due to injury or disease in the abdominopelvic region (e.g., pancreatitis, abdominal trauma)
Intervention (surgical or radiologic) of the primary condition is often needed
Secondary: does not originate in the abdomen or pelvis (e.g., fluid resuscitation, sepsis, burns)
Critically ill patient with high mortality & morbidity
Multisystemic dysfunction:
Airway: ↑ risk of aspiration
CVS: ↓ cardiac output (CO) from ↓ preload & ↑ SVR
Resp: Hypoxia secondary to restrictive ventilation
Renal: Potential for AKI
GI: Hepatic dysfunction (altered pharmokinetics)
Need to maintain APP > 60 mmHg
Consequences of decompression:
Sudden ↓ in cardiac output & SVR
Reperfusion: risk of systemic acidosis & hyperkalemia
Possible fatal arrhythmia & arrest
Sudden change in respiratory compliance (avoid overventilation)
Early identification of ACS
Maintain APP >60mmHg
Avoid bradycardia (preload is compromised & CO may be heart rate dependent)
Maintain high preload particularly once decompressed
Be prepared for sudden arrhythmias associated with hyperkalemia & acidosis after decompression occurs