Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Anesthetic Considerations
Potential for perioperative SVT or atrial fibrillation:
Consider crash cart, defbrillator pads, invasive arterial access, emergency drugs (procainamide, amiodarone)
Avoid AV nodal blockers if atrial fibrillation
Avoid sympathetic stimulation: pain, anxiety, hypovolemia, ketamine
Identify patients with WPW
Minimize sympathetic stimulation & drugs (adenosine, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, digoxin) that could enhance anterograde conduction of cardiac impulses through the accessory pathways
Reduce anxiety which may precipitate tachycardia
Arrhythmia Treatments
Acute termination of orthodromic AVRT (approach is same as the usual patient with SVT):
1st line: vagal maneouvers, verapamil (5mg IV q3min up to 15mg), adenosine (6-12mg IV bolus with flush)
2nd line: procainamide, beta blockers, digoxin, amiodarone (prolongs the refractoriness of all cardiac tissues)
Acute termination of antidromic AVRT:
If unstable, must cardiovert
Avoid AV nodal blocking agents
If stable: IV drug of choice for acute treatment to terminate known antidromic AVRT is procainamide.
Procainamide is typically infused intravenously at 20 to 50 mg/minute given while monitoring the blood pressure closely every 5 to 10 minutes until the arrhythmia terminates, hypotension ensues, the QRS is prolonged by more than 50 percent, or a total of 17 mg/kg (1.2 g for a 70 kg patient) has been given
Acute termination of atrial fibrillation with pre-excitation:
AV nodal blocking drugs (adenosine, verapamil, beta blockers, & digoxin) should be avoided in patients with preexcited atrial fibrillation since blocking the AV node will promote conduction down the accessory pathway & may sometimes directly enhance the rate of conduction over the accessory pathway
The goals of acute drug therapy for preexcited AF are prompt control of the ventricular response & ideally, termination of atrial fibrillation
If unstable, must cardiovert
If stable, careful trial of IV drugs (no clear 1st line drug):
Procainamide (Class IA): 20-50mg/min until arrhythmia suppressed, hypotension ensues, QRS prolonged by 50% of original duration or total fo 17mg/kg has been given
Amiodarone (Class III): first dose 150mg over 10min, then 1mg/min for 6hrs, then 0.5mg/min for 18hrs
Ibutilide (Class III): if patient <60kg, 0.01mg/kg over 10min; if >60kg, 1mg over 10min
ECG Features
Short PR, wide QRS, delta wave