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Intraoperative subhypnotic doses at 20mcg/kg/min or higher can reduce PONV by up to 25%
Small doses (20mg PRN) can be used as PONV rescue therapy in PACU
Preoperative gabapentin 600-800 mg decreases PONV
Side effects: sedation, dizziness, respiratory depression, headache
2mg IV 30 min prior to end of case as effective as ondansetron 4mg. Combination of the 2 drugs was even more effective
0.5 mg/kg IM given near end of surgery
Similar effect to droperidol 0.04 mg/kg IM
Caution if risk of CAD
Adapted from Anesth Analg. August 2020 - Volume 131 - Issue 2 - p 411-448
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