Genetic Syndromes: General Approach
Potentially difficult airway
Many patients with genetic syndromes abnormal airway findings
Special attention is needed for syndromes with mandibular hypoplasia (e.g. Pierre Robin, Treacher Collins, Goldenhar) as well as patients with cleft lip/palate
Careful airway physical exam & review of previous anesthetics is warranted
Congenital cardiac defects
Syndromes associated with cardiac defects include: VACTERL, CHARGE, trisomy 13, 18, and 21, and velocardiofacial syndromes
Imperative to conduct thorough physical exam, review Echocardiogram, & understand cardiac anatomy/pathophysiology
Neuro-Cognitive abnormalities
Potentially anxious & uncooperative patient
Possible cognitive deficits & increased sensitivity to effects of anesthetics
Positioning & vascular access issues
In presence of limb abnormalities, positioning & vascular access may be difficult
Orthopedic abnormalities
Scoliosis, hip dysplasia, & limb contractures are common in this patient population