Autonomic Hyperreflexia
Spinal cord injury above T6
Frequency variable: 20-70% of patients
Above lesion: reflex bradycardia & vasodilation (flushed)
Below lesion: unopposed sympathetic stimulation (vasoconstriction/hypertension)
Common clinical manifestations:
Headache, diaphoresis,↑ BP, bradycardia
Flushing, piloerection, blurred vision, nasal obstruction, anxiety, nausea
Consequences of event:
Bradycardia, AV block, PACs, PVCs
Severe headache, seizures, subarachnoid hemorrhage, ↓ level of consciousness
Dyspnea, LV failure, pulmonary edema
Blurred vision
Anxiety, agitation
Chest pain/myocardial ischemia
Potential for hypertensive emergency with end-organ damage
Considerations of chronic SCI
Need for invasive monitoring
Difficult to assess success of neuraxial technique
Discussion with surgeon regarding plan for procedure
Remove potential triggers (e.g., full bladder, foley insertion, full rectum, surgical stimulus)
General anesthetic vs neuraxial technique (if GA, consider a deep anesthetic)
Management of hypertensive event:
Consider deepening level of anesthesia if under GA
If epidural, consider top-up
Treat severe hypertension with fast-acting titratable agents:
Nitroprusside 0.5-3mcg/kg/min or nitroglycerin 5-200mcg/min
Hydralazine 10-20mg IV prn
Phentolamine 5mg IV prn
Look for evidence of end-organ involvement & treat accordingly
Pregnancy Considerations
Multidisciplinary discussion regarding plan for labor & delivery
Consider scheduled elective cesarean section
If vaginal delivery:
Admit early to monitored bed with telemetry
Need continuous BP monitoring with arterial line
Remove all preventable triggers of autonomic hyperreflexia (vaginal exams, full bladder = foley insertion)
Start early epidural to prevent hypertensive episodes from contractions
Difficult to assess success of epidural:
May need larger test dose to rule out subarachnoid placement
Chestnut suggests two ways to assess level of epidural
Sensory block cephalad to level of spinal cord lesion
Evaluating segmental reflexes below level of the lesion: lightly stroke each side of the abdomen above & below the umbilicus, looking for contraction of the abdominal muscles & deviation of the umbilicus toward the stimulus (reflexes are absent below the level of the block)
If cesarean delivery:
Either general anesthetic or neuraxial technique:
Must have arterial line
Vasodilators drawn up & ready
Succinylcholine contraindicated
Severe respiratory insufficiency or technical difficulties with neuraxial anesthesia may necessitate the use of general anesthesia